Best of 2022

Best of 2022

Ah 2022, this was a huge one for me in terms of personal growth.. here’s what I enjoyed throughout the journey:

Best of fitness: CrossFit

I tried CrossFit for the first the first time last summer when I signed up for a class through ClassPass. I was always so intimidated by how intense it seemed but I finally decided to just give it a shot. I had been working out at a high intensity for a while at that point and was able to manage pretty well for my first time. Was I completely drained after class and super sore for days to follow? Yes.. but I could complete all the exercises (even though we had to make adjustments for the box jumps; those were too tall for me heh). I love that every workout is different and covers different aspects of fitness.

Best of books: Weird to Exist

I did a decent amount of reading last year, from plenty of self-help books to memoirs, but the one that really stuck with me is actually this compilation of comics about emotions. I stumbled upon it at my neighborhood bookstore and the illustrations really spoke to me. The seemingly simple illustrations illicit a deep sense of comfort in that we’re all going through some of the same struggles in love and life.

Best of purchases: Counseling sessions

I underwent a few big hurdles this year, and couldn’t have made it through without professional guidance. Like many children of Asian immigrants, I’ve been largely affected by my childhood trauma from tiger parenting, favoritism, manipulative practices, etc. and decided to seek counseling to gain better perspectives on my experiences. I cannot recommend it enough; counseling is truly for everyone! I know that a few deterrents for people are that it’s stigmatized and costly, but really, anyone can benefit from the insight and encouragement a professional third-party can offer and I would say it is 200% worth the money. See it as an investment in yourself that amplifies growth, whose return can be reaped by those around you as well.

Best of dining out (local): Dear Margaret

I dined at quite a number of restaurants and eateries last year, but the one place that I can’t forget about is Dear Margaret, a fairly new restaurant that draws inspiration from French-Canadian cuisine and uses Midwestern ingredients. The taste of the food (as well as presentation) was as phenomenal as the service. I thoroughly enjoyed my dining experience there, from start to finish and as someone who emphasizes on value, I can say with confidence that it was totally worth every penny spent (3 of us spent about $70 per person on 6 dishes).

~Honorable mention: Talard Thai Market

So this is actually a grocery store with a food stall in the back. There’s very limited seating (only a few foldout tables and chairs) but the food is excellent. It really tastes like it came straight from the streets of Bangkok. I can’t stop thinking about this one stewed pork and bamboo dish I got there. I truly love these hole-in-the-wall finds.

Best of bakeries: Sugar Moon

My pastry obsession was undoubtedly fueled by this neighborhood bakery that is only open on the weekends from 8/9am until they sell out. I came up with my definitive Chicago bakery rankings after countless bakery visits over the summer and this place tops the list. It’s no understatement when I say I’ve trekked through a blizzard to get there for my Friday morning pastries. My favorite items to get are their savory croissants (always a different flavor/filling) and the tahini chocolate chip cookie, which is saying a lot for someone who does not like to spend money on cookies because I quite like the ones I bake myself. I’ve tried most of their pastries and have probably spent a few hundred dollars here… 😅 Just take my money, Sugar Moon, you’re just that delicious.

Best of desserts: black sesame hojicha cheesecake

I can’t recall exactly how I first found the cafe in which I had this dessert, but boy was it a great find. I came here on my own during one of my many solo explore Taipei days. I woke up that morning, got some work done, grabbed lunch, and then came to 六丁目 to have afternoon tea and sweets. This black sesame hojicha cheesecake was not heavy at all, had the most amount of sweetness, and was just creamy perfection. If you ever find yourself in Taipei, don’t sleep on this cafe; all of their desserts are made in-house and the drinks are flavorful. But be warned, it’s not quite Taiwan priced and they are a cash-only establishment.

Best of travels: Taiwan

This was my eat, pray, love trip where I “found” myself again. I could elaborate but I’ll just say this, if you can, stay somewhere for at least a month to get a taste of local life. And trust that God will take care of things, like He always does.

2022 was filled was a lot of emotional ups and downs; truly a lot of struggling but I’ve come out stronger (“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13)! 2023 will be bigger and better, let’s get this!!!!!

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